"Who are you?" 


An encomium for those depicted within.

Once upon a time, Steve McCurry shared a thought that resonated with me, "A good portrait is one that says something about the person. We often glimpse reflections of ourselves in others; thus, a truly resonant portrait tells us a tale. It bridges the gap between souls." 

Like a heartfelt project, this series uses portraiture to dive deep into the lives and stories of an individual's life. 

Each frame showcases faces, both up-close and personal, revealing the intricate details of their emotions, as well as full-bodied captures that sing tales of their journeys, dreams; their story 

Ever been asked, "Who are you?" Well, this series answers that very question. Through the lens, we see diverse individuals' lives, each sharing their unique stories. From ‘the boys’ chasing after soccer balls to seasoned artists who paint with passion, this journey aims to capture the essence of my sitters.  

This series is more than a visual presentation; it provides those depicted within its frames a distinctive platform to articulate their stories and project their essence to a vast audience. 

As you explore these portraits, understand that you're not simply viewing images. You are interacting with deep-seated narratives, aspirations, and dreams. Each portrait encapsulates an individual's core, beckoning you to reflect upon and question, "Who are you?" 


Coming Soon